Joy Guide


Jacquie Hermans

“I work with individuals and couples to heal patterns creating more joy, strengthening relationships, and aligning with the core essence of who you are.”

Our Services

  • 1 hour Channeled Healing Session

    Every healing session is different based on the current energies and your needs. A session may include psychic mediumship, card reading, energy healing, aromatherapy, and sound healing. Jacquie Channels messages from your angels, guides, and potential loved ones who have passed. Only messages that are for your highest and greatest aligned are channeled through and will help you to transmute old patterns of thoughts and energies that have been holding you back.

  • 30 min Reading/Healing Session

    For your 30-minute session you can choose to focus your healing with an Earth Warrior that is intuitively chosen based on what healing your soul is ready for. Your earth warrior will present themselves and a passage will be read to you for not only the transformational messages but also for the healing vibration of the words. Or your session can simply be a channeled healing session where any of the card decks might be used along with Quantum healing energy channeled through.

Earth Warrior Intensive Healing

 The intention you set, channeled messages and your earth warrior will guide your healing process. Jacquie uses a variety of tools including cards, crystals, aromatherapy, solfeggio frequencies, energy healing, mediumship, her empathic abilities, yoga, and breath work.

 Healing package outline: This is only a guide as the healing process will be intuitively created for your unique needs. The releasing of patterns is based on your readiness.

Session 1 A channeled reading/healing session that may include an energy healing session on the table “Bringing patterns to the surface for healing” (1 hour)

Session 2 “Your Earth Warrior presents themselves” with healing vibrational words, along with channeled messages and a sacred healing ritual while using solfeggio frequencies (aromatherapy and incense is optional). (1 hour)

Session 3 Your session begins with channeled messages as we intuitively choose the essential oils most beneficial for your healing process. The second half of the session is an energy healing session with the chosen oils for a soothing hand and foot massage that is combined with energy healing. (Aromatherapy can be replaced with crystals if sensitive to oils). (1 hour)

Session 4 It’s time to integrate the healing from an energetic and emotional level to a physical cellular recalibration. After pulling cards and channeling messages, you have a choice of either an intuitively guided yoga session or a harmonic egg quantum healing. For an additional fee, both sessions can be included in your package.

Additional sessions or packages can be purchased when ready for the next level of healing.

 Package cost: $630 (Sessions with the harmonic egg take place at Inner Vision Healing & Wellness, Port Perry, ON)

Couples Intimacy Sessions

Regain intimacy and sexual satisfaction in your relationship while enhancing authentic communication.

A single session or initial session to a couple’s package is 2 hours and is a combination of couples yoga (no yoga experience required), intimacy-generating communication activities, and channeled messages to assist in healing and transforming patterns that have been affecting the relationship. Playful homework may be assigned along with recommendations of tools that can be used to enhance intimate pleasure and satisfaction.