Has yoga changed for the better?

yoga posture for opening shoulders


I have had many people say to me from different parts of the world, “It’s a shame how yoga has been butchered.” I tell them I don’t agree. Everything about life is an evolution. 

I have learned on my journey that each of us are unique. The people, products and services that I’m attracted to, might be very different from what you might like.  The types of workouts I like can be different from yours, what lights me up can be different from yours. The type of healing modalities I need, are most likely different from yours. Who I will enjoy working with, might be different from you.

Yoga has evolved, which I think is fantastic. Every instructor can take the practise of yoga and make it their own. Every yoga instructor will attract the clients that are in alignment for who they are and what floats their boat.

Just as there are houses to meet the needs of different people, there are cars and computers with different features and different yoga instructors will meet different people’s needs.

 When looking to take a yoga class, see how you feel around the instructor’s energy, do you like their teaching style, do you feel safe and not judged? Do you feel at peace, happy, uplifted? Let’s celebrate the diversity that’s out there, while you trust your intuition to find the instructor that best meets your needs.


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