Energetic daggers still hurt

I used to be called “too sensitive." Yes, I was sensitive to people saying mean things to each other, yelling, or swearing. I just wanted everyone to get along and I didn’t understand why people could be so mean to another person. I used to hide in my room with a pillow on my head because I didn’t want to hear or feel the heavy dense energy from family members.

When I look back at relationships, I had a pattern of attracting really close friends who would cut me upΩ and say they were just joking. I never found it funny. It felt like little jabs on a regular basis. I’d get these jabs in various areas of my life.

As an empath, I “feel” my way through life. I feel the energy in the rooms I walk in. I feel energy and emotions when I’m around people. When I have conversations with people and their energy and emotions don’t match the words they are saying, it’s as if I’m reading between the lines. Now that I’m older, I usually know someone’s bullshitting me. It used to be so confusing and maddening at times.

I’ve learned to consciously tune into the energy or vibration of rooms, things, or people. Everything has a vibration. An apple and an orange have different vibrations or frequencies. A table that your great-grandmother used compared to a table that was used by pre-schoolers for years would have very different energy.

The vibration of words you use is impactful to your personal energy field. The energy behind words can create emotions and energy that impact your vibration. Words or thoughts can shift your vibration higher or to a lower denser heavier frequency.

When I would hear my parents yell at each other, I’d feel the energy of anger and frustration coming out of them and I’d feel the energy or vibration associated with the words they used. It felt like a war in my home. I was on the battlefield witnessing the destruction and getting hit by shrapnel.

The friendships where I received the jabs from, must have felt familiar to me, normal. It wasn’t until my late 30s that I realized I had friends in my life where either there wasn’t a mutual energy exchange or they wanted me to feel crappy to make themselves feel better. I decided to clean house when it came to relationships. I only want to surround myself with people who will treat me with love and respect and be kind with their words.

I aim to be conscious of the words I use as every word makes an impact on a vibrational level. Every thought makes an impact on your vibration and affects those around you. Our thoughts and emotions, affect our vibration, our cells, and energetic fields, and shape the reality we experience.

We all have intuitive guidance systems. Our emotional, mental, and physical bodies give us messages to let us know if something is working for us or not working for us… if something would be a good match for us or would be heavy, constricting, or exhausting.

My intuitive guidance system has been telling me within various relationships and circumstances what feels good and what doesn’t. Noticing my emotions and thoughts helps me to be conscious of my intuition.

To be continued…


Embracing my authentic self


What life is like being an empath